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C41 Branch Hybrid Meeting by ZOOM or at the Labour Club

12th March 2025
Venue: Comfort of your own home or a drink in your hand

Branch meeting by Zoom Start 7:30pm 

Below is a simple step by step to set up an account.
but once app is installed to device then all that is needed is to click on link I will put in the email, this will open app and bring them straight to meeting.
  1. Start at Zoom’s signup page.
  2. Activate your account.
  3. Create your account name and password.
  4. You can invite colleagues, if you wish.
  5. You can then try a test meeting.
  6. After you’ve installed the Zoom app, you’ll see buttons to “Join a Meeting” or “Sign In.”
  7. Sign in to the app.
  8. And you’re ready to Zoom!

Even though the start time is 7:30pm I will start the Zoom meeting early 6:30pm in case anyone has problems logging on

or contact me on 07715638601

or email

I will try to assist where I can

Link to 7:30pm Hybrid Zoom meeting

Click Here