C41 Branch Hybrid Meeting by ZOOM or at the Labour Club
12th March 2025
Venue: Comfort of your own home or a drink in your hand
Branch meeting by Zoom Start 7:30pm
Below is a simple step by step to set up an account.
but once app is installed to device then all that is needed is to click on link I will put in the email, this will open app and bring them straight to meeting.
- Start at Zoom’s signup page.
- Activate your account.
- Create your account name and password.
- You can invite colleagues, if you wish.
- You can then try a test meeting.
- After you’ve installed the Zoom app, you’ll see buttons to “Join a Meeting” or “Sign In.”
- Sign in to the app.
- And you’re ready to Zoom!
Even though the start time is 7:30pm I will start the Zoom meeting early 6:30pm in case anyone has problems logging on
or contact me on 07715638601
or email paul.marklew@gmbactivist.org.uk
I will try to assist where I can
Link to 7:30pm Hybrid Zoom meeting
Click Here